About this soft
First time I made uuAssistant with c# for recorde daily work time. Next I use ccProc and remade uuAssistant with C++. And added note(TODO) function.
Suggestion, Bug Report:Feedback & Discuss, or mail
2007/09/27 Add:
Added Capture Window.
With this can capture activate window or screen. even can push scroll down or up for you.
2007/10/15 Add:
Added MiniIE window.
With MiniIE, you can show web page with so compact size.
2013/11/16 Added Volume change. Added set window top:
TOP Window: win+Ctrl+F11[set]/win+Ctrl+F12[Cancel]
Volume: win+Ctrl+Arrow Up[+]/win+Ctrl+Arrow Down[-]
win+Ctrl+Space: Mute(DbClick off)
2014/01/31 Added Multi Clipbord:
Ctrl+Shift+V:Show My Clipbord Menu(Multi Paste)

(*.zip file can be extract by Lhaz 7z) (401.346 Kb, Date:2016/07/27, Downloads:2705)
    MD5: 86c4d770c72c8110471df3609b89eb05; SHA1: 89dd52af8d94c294523e415a81a91665769ab321
uuAssistant is util for daily work. With uuAssistant you can new or view your note(memo, ToDo) on occasion. or record the time of startup or shutdown time of is usefully to create your monthly worktime. others,you can use (Shift+Esc)key to hide/show current windows.or set the selected window transparent(0%~100%) with OS windows 2000 or above.
uuAssistant manage for your note(memo, ToDo). note window is shown on top of normal windows.
can set password to note for open.
with set, can minimize windows while lost focus.
MiniIE is included. With MiniIE, you can show web page with so compact size.
Added Capture Window. With this can capture activate window or screen. even can push scroll down or up for you.
record work time.
with (Shift+Esc)key to hide/show current windows.or set the selected window's transparent(0%~100%) with OS windows 2000 or above.
uuAssistant is Multilanguage.Now with English (United States),Japanese (Japan),Chinese (PRC),Chinese (Taiwan).
Also you can add others language(need download source of uuAssistant and modify lang.ini file and put it to directory of Lang\\\\\\\\ of uuAssistant).

Main Screen:
with [Note] tabpage, use [new] can create a new note window.
or use other buttons to manage it. text color and back color can be set for each 

Next let note window not auto minimize while lost focus.
also, the window can be crypt with password.

with [WorkTime] tabpage can log work time every days(startup or shutdown of computer).

with [Tool] tabpage can set the selected window's transparent(0%~100%) with OS windows 2000 or above. or set window to top of normal window.

with [HideWindow] tabpage can use [Shift+Esc] to hide/show current windows,or use win+Esc to hide/show group window.

with [Option] tabpage can set for auto run with system startup.or set to others language.

With all,uuAssistant is free software.
enjoy it!
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