About this soft
uuSpy is developped for development of software.
While desigen ccProj, it's need to see how it works while others windows application. First time I use Spy++,but it can't simply select windows, or adjust the position, or output style/exstyle. So uuSpy is started. After that,I add GetPassword and GetHtml to it,and put source in order, and then release it publicly.
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uuSpy tool is more like Spy++, but added the function of PasswordSpy and Get IE's HTML. With uuSpy you can understand the window layout of a running application or identify a certain window message that causes a bug. Also you can output style/exstyle of a selected window or set something to it.
  • uuSpy can output style/exstyle of selected window or reset it.
  • resize or set text to selected window.
  • uuSpy can watch windows's message use of Hook(WH_GETMESSAGE & WH_CALLWNDPROC),and can log message to file.
  • uuSpy also is PasswordSpy - Peeking into Password Edit & Internet Explorer and Retrieving passwords likes [***].
  • uuSpy also can get HTML from Internet Explorer, get all the iframes's source!
  • uuSpy is Multilanguage.Now with English (United States),Japanese (Japan),Chinese (PRC),Chinese (Taiwan).
    Also you can add it by yourself(need extract resource from uuSpy and put lang.ini to directory Lang\\\\ of uuSpy).
Main Screen:

use [Refresh] to get all windows or use [PickWin] to get specify windows.Here use [PickWin] to get window of notepad.exe.
notice that the window is hotting.
Also while selected,when mouse is on [Hotit],the selected window will be hotting.

When the window is selected,then doubleclick it or click [GetInfo],show the page of window’s info.

Or click [WatchMsg] to show the page of watch message.

uuSpy can found the lost password for you.
password is shown.

while the selected window is "Internet Explorer_Server", uuSpy can get HTML from it.
also,can show the value of password or hidden item of HTML.
* language is chinese.

Out the source of "Internet Explorer_Server".

Option Page:
Can set language at here,or check version info.

With all,uuSpy is free software.

enjoy it!
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